
This collection includes over 1,000,000 photographic images of the university, its faculty, staff, and students. The earliest materials in this collection were accumulated as part of the Iowa State History Collection in the 1940s and 1950s. This original collection was greatly enlarged by the transfer of the photograph archives of the Photo Services Unit in the 1990s. Over the years, the collection was supplemented with contributions from individual donors, other campus units, and Special Collections and University Archives staff. The vast majority of images are black and white.


Along with the highlighted collections, photographs may be found throughout SCUA's collections in scrapbooks and alongside paper records. Search CARDinal for more information.

Selected images from SCUA's collections are available online in our Digital Collections. Non-digitized images are available for viewing in our Reading Room.

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To locate images of interest in the University Photograph Collection, please use the Find Function in your computer's browser on this web page to search the tables below. 

Individual faculty, staff, and administrators can be located by looking through photographs related to the departments in which they worked or those with which they were most often identified. The university presidents are an exception, and are listed individually.


The photo collection uses the same record group system as the University Archives. Due to the frequent requests for images of buildings, each building is listed separately.


This series lists the University Presidents that are included in the photograph collection. In addition, there are several boxes with images of the presidents' families and office staff.

List of Iowa State University presidents and associated box numbers
Name Box Numbers
Welch, Adonijah Strong 51-52
Knapp, Seaman Asahel 51-52
Hunt, Leigh Smith John 51
Chamberlain, William Isaac 51-52
Beardshear, William Miller 53-55
Storms, Albert Boynton 53-55
Pearson, Raymond Allen 53-55
Hughes, Raymond Mollyneaux 53-55
Friley, Charles Edwin 56-58
Hilton, James Harold 59-63
Parks, William Robert 64-68
Eaton, Gordon Pryor 69-73
Jischke, Martin 74-76
Geoffroy, Gregory 77
President’s Office Staff and Group Photos of Presidents and Their Families 45-51


This series lists all former and current buildings that are included in the photograph collection. For most buildings, interior and exterior shots are available. Folders titled "Campus Scenes" and "Aerial Views" typically highlight more than one building in the photograph.

List of Iowa State University campus buildings and associated box numbers
Building Name Boxes
Administrative Services Building 173
Aerial Views 356-371.1
Aerospace Lab 112, 129, 173, 221, 293
Ag 450 Farm 129.1, 221
Agricultural Engineering Farm and Extension 166, 173, 293
Agronomy Farm and Crops Lab 221, 293
Agronomy Hall 112, 129-129.1, 173, 217, 221, 291, 293
Alumni Hall 112, 129.1, 173, 218.1, 222, 293
Ames Lab and Research Reactor 112, 124, 129.1, 160, 211, 279
Animal Resource Station 174
Ankeny Research Farm 174
Applied Science Building 223
Armory 112, 130, 166, 174, 223, 293
Atanasoff Hall 130, 174, 223, 317
Athletic Fields/Complexes 174, 212, 223, 293
Barns, Cattle 112, 130, 175, 224, 294
Barns, Dairy 175, 224, 294
Barns, Feeding 224
Barns, General 175, 294
Barns, Hog 112, 175, 193, 224, 295
Barns, Horse 112, 130, 166, 175, 224, 295
Barns, Poultry 175, 225, 295
Barns, Sheep 130, 175, 225, 295
Beardshear Hall 113, 131, 165, 167, 176-178, 217, 226-227, 290, 296-297
Beef Cattle Nutrition Lab 228
Bessey Hall 113, 131, 179, 228
Bevier House 131, 179, 228, 298
Bevis Process Simulation Lab (Industrial Education II) 113
Beyer Hall 113, 131, 165, 179, 217, 229.1, 290, 298
Biomedical Engineering Building 229.1
Black Engineering Building 113, 179, 229.1
Bridges, Knoll Road 179
Building A 132, 229, 298
Building B 167, 229
Building H 214
Building S 132
Campanile and Carillon 106, 114, 127, 132, 167, 180-181, 217, 230-232, 290, 299-300, 317
Campus Railways (The Dinkey, The Iowa, Central Station, etc.) 182, 233, 235, 302, 306
Campus Scenes 318-355
Cap Timm Field 179
Carpenter Shop/Judging Pavilion 168, 194, 252, 298, 310
Carver Co. Lab 179
Carver Hall 106, 114, 133, 179, 183, 217, 233
Catt Hall 114, 127, 133, 168, 183, 217, 234, 290, 301
Chemical-Physical Hall 116, 136, 168, 185, 235, 302
Child Development 116, 136, 185, 235
Child Nursery (Annex) 116, 185, 235, 302
Clyde Williams Field 116, 127, 137, 168, 186, 244, 303
Coburn House 137, 168, 186, 245, 303
Communications Building 116, 138, 168, 186, 245
Coover Hall 106, 116, 138, 186, 245, 291, 303
Cottage, Boarding (East and West) 179, 229.1
Cottage, Engineer's – see Engineer's Cottage 189, 248
Cottage, Henderson's – see Henderson's Cottage 193
Cottage, Kildee – see Kildee Cottage 194, 252
Cottage, Lincoln Way – see Lincoln Way Cottage 201, 260
Cottage, Marston – see Marston Cottage 204, 263
Cottage, Mortensen – see Mortensen Cottage 208, 274, 315
Cottage, Osborn – see Osborn Cottage 210, 220, 277
Cottage, Pope – see Pope Cottage 211, 279
Cottage, Safford – see Safford Cottage 211, 280
Cottage, Teamster's – see Teamster's Cottage 214, 285
Creamery (first and second) 138, 169, 186, 245, 303
Credit Union 245
Curtiss Hall 116, 138, 187, 246, 291, 304-305
Dairy Farm and Nutrition Lab 139, 185
Dairy Husbandry Farm 117, 130, 166
Dairy Industry 139, 169, 188, 247, 306
Davidson Hall 106, 117, 188, 218.1, 247
Design Center 139, 188, 218.1, 247
Diagnostic Lab 126
Dinkey, The (see Campus Railways) 182, 233, 235, 302, 306
Duplex 188
Durham Center 117, 127, 188, 217, 247
East Campus Parking Ramp 188
East Hall 140, 188, 248, 307
Elevator and Feed Storage 140, 248
Emergency Hall 189
Engineer's Cottage 189, 248
Engineering Annex 140, 169, 189, 248, 307
Engineering Research Institute 189-190
English Office Building 140, 189, 248, 307
Enrollment Services Center – see Alumni Hall 112, 129.1, 173, 218.1, 222, 293
Exhibit Hall 117, 141-142, 190, 248, 307
Experiment Station Lab 117, 140, 169
Experimental Barn 248
Experimental Station Barn 189, 248, 307
Extension Farms 189
Farm Boarding Club 191, 308
Farm Crops Lab 129.1
Farm House 117, 143, 191, 218.1, 249, 291, 308
Firemanship Training Building 106, 191, 249
Fisher Nickell House 191, 249
Fisher Theater 114, 133, 165, 184, 218
Flagpole 191, 249
Flick Observatory 144, 191, 249
Food Processing and Tech Lab 144, 169, 191, 249
Forker Building (formerly New Physical Education Building) 108, 117, 144, 169, 172, 191, 210, 249, 291, 308, 313, 316
Gateway Center 144
Genetics Lab 192, 250
George White House 164, 289
Gerdin Business Building 192
Gilman Hall 107, 117, 144, 192, 250, 308,
Gilman Hall 117, 144, 192, 250, 308
Glen Russell’s Office 117
Greenhouse(s) 117, 129.1, 144, 169, 192-193, 250, 291, 308
Greenhouses, Agronomy 173, 221
Greenhouses, Botany and Forestry 179, 192, 229.1, 298
Grounds House 192
Hamilton Hall 218.1, 251
Heady Hall 218.1, 251
Henderson's Cottage 193
Hilton Coliseum 114, 127, 134, 144, 165, 168, 184, 218, 240, 290, 302
Hog Cholera Station/Serum Plant 193, 212, 251
Hog Pavilion 117, 193, 251
Hoover Hall 193
Horticulture Building/Greenhouse/Gardens/Cottage/Storage Shed/Seed House 193-193.1, 218.1, 251, 291, 309
Horticulture Lab 193, 309
House, Bevier – see Bevier House 131, 179, 228, 298
House, Coburn – see Coburn House 137, 168, 186, 245, 303
House, George White – see George White House 164, 289
House, Grounds – see Grounds House 192
House, International (The Gables) – see International House 169, 192, 194, 252, 310
House, Norton – see Norton House 124, 157, 208, 274
House, Richards – see Richards House 160, 211, 279, 316
House, Sloss – see Sloss House 161, 212, 220.1, 281
Howe Hall 106, 193, 218.1, 251
Hub 118, 144, 193, 251, 309
Human Nutritional Sciences Building 193
Industrial Education (I and II) 145, 194, 252, 310
Insectary 145, 194, 252, 310
International House 169, 192, 194, 252, 310
Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion 194, 218.1
Iowa State Center, General 218, 236, 242-243, 290
Jack Trice Stadium 135, 184, 213, 220.1, 241, 290, 292
Jischke Honors Building 194, 218.1
Kildee Cottage 194, 252
Kildee Hall 107, 118, 194, 218.1, 252, 310
Knoll, The 104, 108.1, 118, 127.1-127.3, 145, 169.1, 195, 219, 253, 290, 310, 317
Lab of Mechanics 118, 145, 196, 219.1, 254, 311
Lagomarcino Hall (formerly Quadrangle) 107, 118, 145-145.1, 172, 196, 218.1, 254-255, 291, 311
Lake LaVerne 105, 197, 218.1, 256, 291, 312
Landscape Architecture 198, 218.1, 257, 313
LeBaron Hall 145.1, 198, 257, 291
Lied Recreation Center 118, 145, 201, 257, 313
Lincoln Way Cottage 201, 260
Little Ankeny (formerly Ankeny House, Field House) 112, 191, 249, 260
MacKay Hall 107, 121, 149, 170, 201, 260-261, 313
Margaret Hall 121, 150, 157, 170, 202-203, 314
Marston Cottage 204, 263
Marston Hall 121, 150, 170, 189, 204, 263, 307
Meat Lab (old and new) 121, 151, 171, 204, 264, 314
Mechanical Engineering Lab 205, 264, 307
Memorial - Gue Grove 107
Memorial - Henry C. Wallace 108
Memorial Rocks 107
Memorial Tablets 205
Memorial Union 108, 112, 122-123, 128, 152-156, 165, 171, 206, 220, 265-272, 292, 314
Metals Development Building 157, 207, 272, 315
Military Stables 207, 272
Molecular Biology Building 123, 205, 220
Morrill Hall 123, 157, 172, 207, 220, 273, 292, 315, 317
Mortensen Cottage 208, 274, 315
Music Hall (old and new) 157, 208, 274, 315
National Soil Tilth Lab 208, 274, 281
Naval Armory 208, 274
North Chilled Water Plant 208
North Hall 208, 274
North Studio 157, 208, 274, 315
Norton House 124, 157, 208, 274
Nuclear Engineering Building 208
Nuclear Engineering Lab 157, 274, 313
Nursery School 208, 274
Office and Lab Building 124, 128.1, 158, 172, 208, 275
Old Foundry 275
Old Main 124, 158, 209, 275-276, 316
Olsen Building 127, 135, 158, 165, 184, 277
Orchards 277
Osborn Cottage 210, 220, 277
Palmer Building 124, 210
Pammel Court/Grocery/Shelter House 210
Parking Lots 210
Parks Library/Library Storage Building 119-120, 127.3-128, 146-148, 165, 170, 199, 200, 219.1-220, 258-260, 291, 310, 313
Pearson Hall 124, 158, 210, 220, 277
Physical Plant (including East) 124, 159, 172, 210-211, 220, 277, 316
Physics Hall 124, 160, 211, 278
Plumbing Shop 211
Pope Cottage 211, 279
Poultry Science Farm, Coops, and Lab 130, 160, 211, 220.1
Press Building/Iowa State Press 160, 211, 279, 308
Recreation Athletic Facility 279
Recycling Center 160
Research Park 220.1
Richards House 160, 211, 279, 316
Ross Hall 128.1, 160, 211, 280, 292
Safford Cottage 211, 280
Sanitary Building 211, 280
Scheman Building 115, 135, 184, 218, 238, 290
Science I 125, 212, 220.1, 281, 292
Science II 161, 212, 281
Seed Lab 108, 212, 281
Shattuck Theater 125, 161, 212, 281, 316
Sloss House 161, 212, 220.1, 281
Snedecor Hall 161, 213, 220.1, 281
Soccer Field 220.1
Soil Conversation Experimental Farm 212
Soil Testing Lab 125, 161
Solar Energy Research House 281
Solar Plant 281
South Hall 161, 212, 281-282
Spedding Hall 125, 161, 213, 282
Stange Clinic 213
State Gym 125, 163, 172, 213, 220.1, 283, 316
Stephens Auditorium (C.Y. Stephens) 115, 135, 165, 184, 218, 239, 290
Student Services Building 162, 284, 316
Sweeney Hall 125, 128.1, 163, 213, 220.1, 284
Swine Nutrition Farm and Lab 130, 214, 284
Synchrotron Building 125, 163, 214, 285
Teamster's Cottage 214, 285
Temporary Buildings, General 164, 214, 285
Tennis Courts 214
Theilen Student Health Center 213, 220.1, 316
Town Engineering Building 126, 285
University Cemetery 183, 218.1, 235
University Community Childcare 210
Veenker Golf Course 214, 220.1, 285-286, 316
Veterinary Medicine Complex 108, 126, 164, 215, 220.1, 286-287, 292, 316
Victory Bell 215, 288
Water Tower 216, 220.1, 288
Water Works 126, 159, 288, 316
Weather Station 288
Westgate/Westgate Cottage 126, 216, 220.1, 288, 316
Wilhelm Hall (formerly Metallurgy Building) 108, 126, 157, 216, 289, 316
WOI Tower 216, 289
Zaffarano Hall (see Physics Addition) 211, 278, 292

Academic, Administrative, and Research Units

This series lists campus units that are represented in the collection. For each department, there may be photographs of faculty and staff, classroom scenes, and administrative activities. In some instances, there are examples of laboratory equipment, animals and livestock, and machinery used by the department. The series is listed alphabetically by title.

List of academic and administrative units and the associated box numbers
Title Boxes
4-H 1396.1, 1398-1428
Academic Affairs, Office of the Provost for 78-80
Academic Affairs, Offices of the Vice, Assistant, and Associate Provosts for 80.1-81
Accounting and Payroll 94-95
Accounting, Department of 2118-2119
Administrative Data Processing Center; Telecommunications 96-97
Admissions, Office of 447-456
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Department of 825-830
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Department of 546-564.1
Agricultural Development, Committee on 537-538
Agricultural Economics 540-541
Agricultural Education and Studies, Department of 565-572
Agricultural Education, Department of 542-545
Agricultural Foundation 539
Agriculture, College of - Office of the Dean; Leopold Center 520-528
Agronomy, Department of 573-604
Air Force Aerospace Studies, Department of 1021-1024
Alumni Affairs - Development Office 1487, 1491
Alumni Association; Alumni Band [1492(?)] 1493-1518
Ames Laboratory - Office of the Director 1463-1464
Ames Laboratory - Operations 1467-1468
Ames Laboratory - Planning and Technology Application 1470.1
Ames Laboratory - Research Programs; Institute for Atomic Research 1471-1476
Ames Laboratory - Science and Technology 1469-1470
Ames Laboratory - Technical and Administrative Services 1465-1466
Animal Ecology, Department of 605-608
Animal Science, Department of 609-676
Anthropology, Department of 1238-1242.2
Architecture, Department of 2093-2099
Art and Design, Department of 2068-2092
Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology, Department of 1242.5-1242.6
Biology Program [1300-1301(?)] 1302-1303
Biomedical Engineering 1304-1305
Biotechnology, Office of 443-444
Botany, Department of 1025-1043
Business Affairs; Bookstore 402-403
Business and Finance, Office of the Vice President for 91-93
Business Graduate Programs 2128
Business, College of - Office of the Dean 2116-2117.1
Career Planning and Placement Services 413-415
Center for Advanced Technology Development 1479
Center for Emerging Manufacturing Technology 1480
Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS) 1334-1335
Center for Nondestructive Evaluation 1480-1481
Center for Physical and Computational Mathematics 1482
Center for Teaching Excellence 444.2
Chemical Engineering, Department of 831-842
Chemistry, Department of 1044-1054
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, Department of 843-858
College of Education, College of - Office of the Dean 763-764
Community and Regional Design, Department of 2100-2101
Computer Science, Department of 1055-1056
Continuing Education, Office of; Short Courses 1435-1453
Curriculum and Instruction, Department of 771-773
Design, College of - Office of the Dean 2066-2067
Domestic Economy, Department of 915-916
Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Department of 1242.3-1242.4
Economics, Department of 1063-1069
Education Centers, Department of 809-809.1
Education, College of - Student Services; Student Teaching 765-766
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Department of 807-808
Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, Department of 859-875
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 88-89
Engineering Fundamentals and Multidisciplinary Design, Division of 879-881
Engineering Research Institute 818-824
Engineering Science and Mechanics, Department of 876-878
Engineering, College of - Office of the Dean 810-817
English, Department of 1070-1073
Entomology, Department of 677-699
Environmental Health and Safety, Department of 98-100
Equal Opportunity and Diversity, Office of; Affirmative Action Office; Ombudsman’s Office 90-90.1
Experiment Station 529-536
Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics 1336-1396, 1397
Extension to Business and Industry 1429-1434
Extension, Area 1454-1456
Extension, Fire Service 1457-1460
Extension, Veterinary Medicine 1461-1462
Extension, Vice Provost’s Office for; State Fair Exhibits 1317-1333
External Relations, Office of the Executive Vice President 406-409
Facilities Planning and Management 102-103, 105-106, 111
Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Department of 979-984
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Institute 914
Family and Consumer Sciences, College of - Office of the Dean 905-913
Family Environment, Department of 933-955
Finance, Department of 2120-2121
Food and Nutrition, Department of 956-978
Food Science and Human Nutrition, Department of 1306-1310
Food Technology, Department of 700-715
Forestry, Department of 716-728
Foundation, Iowa State University 1519-1525
Genetics, Department of 729-734
Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology, Department of 1242.7-1242.8
Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of 1057-1062
Graduate College 440-442
History, Department of 1076-1080
Home Economics Studies, Department of 985-991
Honors Program 82-83
Horticulture, Department of 735-750
Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management, Department of 992-998
Human Development and Family Studies, Department of (Child Development) 917-932
Human Resources, Department of 98.1, 101
Industrial Administrative Sciences 1311
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Department of 882-884
Industrial Education and Technology, Department of 774-781
Information Technology Services (ITS) (Computation Center) 438-439
Institute for Design Research and Outreach 2115
Institute for Physical Research and Technology (IPRT) – Office of the Director 1477-1478
Institutional Research 86-87
Instructional Technology Center (Media Resources Center) 416-418
Iowa Coal Project, IPRT 1480, 1482
Iowa Energy Center 444.1
Iowa Lakeside Laboratory 43-44
Iowa State Center 392-401
Iowa State University Press 1484-1485
Journalism and Mass Communications, Department of 1081-1088
Laboratory Animal Resources 1298-1299
Landscape Architecture, Department of 2102-2114
Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of - Office of the Dean 1019-1020
Library - Administrative Services 2044-2045.1
Library - Collections Officer 2051, 2053, 2055
Library - Information Technology Division 2057-2059
Library - Public Services and Collections Division 2046-2050
Library - Technical Services Division 2052, 2054, 2056
Library - Office of the Dean 2039-2043
Library Staff Association 2060-2065
Logistics, Operations, and Management Information Systems, Department of 2126-2127
Management, Department of 2122-2123
Marketing, Department of 2124-2125
Materials Science and Engineering, Department of 900-904
Mathematics, Department of 1089-1093
Mechanical Engineering, Department of 885-895
Memorial Union (Administration) 1526-1531
Microbiology, Department of 1094-1096
Microelectronics Research Center, IPRT 1482.1-1483
Military Science, Department of 1097-1125
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Department of 1305.1
Multicultural Student Affairs, Office of 495-496
Music, Department of 1126-1166
National Veterinary Services Laboratories/National Animal Disease Center 1297
Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Department of 751
Naval Science, Department of 1167-1174
Nuclear Engineering, Department of 896-899
Philosophy, Department of 1175-1176
Physical Education and Leisure Studies, Department of (Health and Human Performance) 782-806
Physics, Department of 1177-1192
Plant Pathology, Department of 752-760
Political Science, Department of 1193-1195
Pre-professional Study (Medical Technology), Department of 1236-1237
Psychology, Department of 1196-1200
Public Safety, Department of 97.1
Publications Office 419-420
Registrar, Office of the 507.1
Reiman Gardens 211, 432.1-432.2
Research and Advanced Studies, Office of the Vice Provost 435-437
Research Foundation, Iowa State University 1752-1753
Research Institute for Studies in Education (RISE) 769-770
Residence, Department of 472-494
Resource Center for Teachers 767-768
Retirement Information and Planning, Office of 404.1-404.3
Seed Science Center 761-762
Sociology, Department of 1238-1242
Speech Communications, Department of 1201-1224
Statistics, Department of 1225-1231
Student Affairs, Vice President for and Enrollment Services, Assistant Vice President for 445-446
Student Counseling Service 497-498.1
Student Health Service 499-503
Student Life, Office of (Orientation; Financial Aid; Tutoring Service; Student Activities Center) 457-471
Student Project for Amity Among Nations (SPAN) 1312
Study Abroad Center; International Affairs 84-85
Technical Institute 1313-1314
Textiles and Clothing, Department of 999-1018
Theatre Program - see Speech Communications, Department of
Treasurer, Office of the 404, 405
University Museums; Farm House; Brunnier Gallery 433-434
University Recreation Services; Intramurals 504-507
University Relations 410-412
Veterinary Anatomy, Department of 1261-1265
Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Department of 1266-1278
Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory 1250-1254
Veterinary Medical Research Institute 1255-1260
Veterinary Medicine, College of - Office of the Dean 1243-1249.2
Veterinary Microbiology and Preventative Medicine, Department of 1279-1283
Veterinary Pathology, Department of 1284-1289
Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, Department of 1290-1295
Veterinary Teaching Hospital 1296
Water Resources 1315-1316
WOI Radio and Television 421-432
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) 90.2
Women’s Center 87.1
World Languages and Cultures, Department of 1074-1075
Zoology and Genetics, Department of 1232-1235


These images contain individual and team photos, scenes from athletic events, and some casual shots of athletes and coaches. Photos from the Office of the Director of Athletics are listed first, followed by the Business manager's office, coaches and trainers, and each sport alphabetically thereafter.

List of athletics groupings or sports and the associated box numbers
Title Boxes
Director of Athletics 1754-1759.1
Business Manager 1759.2-1760
Coaches/Trainers/Recruiting Aids 1761-1783
Baseball 1784-1795
Basketball, Men’s 1796-1829
Basketball, Women’s 1993-2003
Boxing, Men’s 1974-1975
Cross Country, Men’s 1976-1981
Cross Country, Women’s 2035-2038
Football 1830-1903
Golf, Men’s 1904-1909
Golf, Women’s 2004-2011
Gymnastics, Men’s 1908-1923
Gymnastics, Women’s 2012-2023
Softball 1988-1992
Swimming, Men’s 1924-1932
Swimming, Women’s 2024-2027
Tennis, Men’s 1933-1940
Tennis, Women’s 2028-2030.1
Track and Field, Men’s 1941-1955.1
Track and Field, Women’s 2031-2034.1
Volleyball 1982-1987
Wrestling 1956-1973

Student and Faculty Groups, Alumni, and General Topics

This series contains images of faculty and student groups such as VEISHEA and homecoming, governance bodies for both faculty (Faculty Senate) and students (Student Government), alumni and former students including Jack Trice, George Washington Carver, and Carrie Chapman Catt, and general topics such as campus art, campus flooding, and student protests.

List of student or faculty groups and the associated box numbers
Title Boxes
Academic Council (Deans Seminar/Board of Deans/Dean’s Council) 509-510
Administrative Board 508
Alumni and Former Students 1572-1609
Animals, General 383-385
Campus Art, General 386-391
Campus Kids 34-36
Centennial/Anniversaries 24-28
Classes and Reunions by Graduation Year 1532-1571
College Councils 518-519
Committees 515-517
Councils 513-514
Dignitaries and Other Notable Visitors 15-Nov
Documents Relating to ISU; Seals 18-20
Faculty Senate (Faculty Council) 512
Floods/Flooding 38-38.2
General Faculty 511
Honorary Fraternities and Recognition Societies 1613-1615
International, Ethnic, and Foreign Language Organizations 1616-1619
ISU/Ames Joint Projects; City of Ames 2-Jan
ISU/Federal Projects 32-33
ISU/State Projects; State Fair; Research Park 21-23.1
Legislative Visits 16-17
Machinery and Equipment, General 381-382
Off-Campus Buildings and Locations 372-380
Organizations, University General 4-Mar
Political and Social Action Organizations 1620-1621
Political Demonstrations 29-30
Presidential Visits 10-Aug
Professional and Occupational Student Organizations 1622-1635
Professional Organizations/Scholarships, Faculty and Staff Organizations 1486
Publications, Student Organizations 1636-1639
Recreational and Special Interest Student Organizations; Homecoming 1640-1674
Religious Organizations 1675-1676.1
Residence Organizations; KUSR 1677-1683
Seminars; Institutes; Symposia 7-May
Service Organizations 1684-1689
Social and Special Interest Organizations, Faculty and Staff Organizations 1488-1490
Social Fraternities and Sororities 1690-1699
State Board of Regents, Members 40-42
State Board of Regents, Publications 39-39.2
Student Governance Units (GSB; GSS) 1610-1612
Traditions/Legends 37-37.2
Unsponsored Outdoor Events 31
VEISHEA 1699.1-1751