Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA) exhibits are a way to share unique and interesting stories from our collections with everyone. Our exhibit spaces in Parks Library are located on the first floor to the west of the Main Desk in front of the Fireplace Reading Room (191 Parks Library) and on the fourth floor of Parks Library, leading up to and inside our Reading Room (403 Parks Library). We also curate digital exhibits to expand the reach of our collections beyond the library.

For more information about our exhibits, contact us.

Current exhibits 


  • Cropped image of the front cover of the 1948 Freshman Days program

    First Floor

    Freshman Orientation: An Early History 

    Today, all new students at Iowa State participate in OnCyte Orientation programming before beginning classes. This exhibit tells the early history of orientation at Iowa State starting with the first Freshman Days in 1926. 

  • Ed Mezvinsky, center, conferring with other members of the House Judiciary Committee.

    Outside the Reading Room

    “A clean bill of health or a bill of impeachment”: Watergate, Judiciary Committee, and Congressman Mezvinsky

     Selection of materials from Ed Mezvinsky’s collection focusing on his time on the House Judiciary Committee’s investigation of President Richard Nixon and the Watergate Hotel. 


  • Front of an Iowa State Dinkey token.

    Inside the Reading Room

    Artifacts in the Archives: A Small Exhibit

    This exhibit features selections from SCUA's artifact collection chosen by SCUA and Preservation staff members.

Featured digital exhibit 

Once, Twice, Trice: Students Tackle Naming Jack Trice Stadium

Since 1923, Iowa State students have been inspired by Jack Trice’s legacy. This exhibit highlights the Iowa State students and student organizations that remained dedicated to naming the football stadium in Trice's honor.

Past digital exhibits

Special Collections and University Archives has been curating digital exhibits since 1998. Using the internet to highlight our collections allows us to share stories from our collections across the world.

Graphic for the "A Home Away from Home: The George A. Jackson Black Cultural Center" exhibition
"Activist Agriculture: Farm Protest in Iowa, 1929-1969" exhibition graphic featuring articles and images clippings from old newspapers.
"We are ISU: Snapshots of Student Life" exhibition graphic featuring black and white images of parades and group photos of ISU community

Exhibits around campus

  • Image of Dr. Atanasoff next to the Atanasoff Hall sign at Iowa State University.

    Durham Center: Penthouse

    John Vincent Atanasoff Office Display 

    On the penthouse level of Durham Center, Special Collections and University Archives has recreated Atanasoff's office setup with artifacts from the John Vincent Atanasoff papers and artifact collection.

Curate an exhibit with us

Interested in collaborating with us on an exhibit in SCUA or online? Learn more about exhibiting with us

Exhibit loans

Interested in exhibiting SCUA's materials in your space? We recommend reading our Exhibit Loan Policy before reaching out to us at archives@iastate.edu a year in advance. 

Please note that a completed Exhibit Loan Agreement will be required.