The Special Collection and University Archives reading room is open to all researchers to use our materials. No appointment is required. Learn more about how to use our collections



Visiting the reading room

Our reading room is located in room 403 on the 4th floor of Parks Library. Get information on directions, parking, and accessibility about Parks Library.

If you have questions about accessibility accommodations for Special Collections and University Archives, please contact us at

Wireless internet access for guests and visitors is available. Guests must accept the terms and conditions to log in to the IASTATE-Guest network.

Request materials using Aeon

Create an account in Aeon and place a request to help us prepare physical materials for your visit to the reading room. View our Aeon tutorials

Reading room and handling guidelines

Our materials are often rare and in some cases unique and irreplaceable.

Help us preserve these collections for future generations of researchers by handling our materials with care and following these guidelines:

What you can bring into the reading room

  • No food or beverages of any kind are allowed.
  • Personal belongings must be placed in a closet or locker to the right of the front desk.
  • Laptops are permitted. Laptop bags or sleeves are not.
  • Cameras or photographic equipment may be used with permission. Personal scanners are not permitted.
  • Use only pencil when taking notes.
  • Use colored note paper provided by the department. Your own notebooks or note paper is not allowed.

When handling materials

Researchers are requested to observe the following:

  • Hands must be cleaned before handling materials.
  • Use one folder from a box at a time.
  • Maintain existing order within each folder and box.
  • Use placeholder when removing folders.
  • Do not remove items from folders. Bring entire folder when scanning materials or showing something to staff.
  • Tell the person at the front desk if any materials are damaged or appear out of order.
  • Lay folders flat on the table when in use.
  • Only one person is allowed to handle materials at a time.

View the full reading room policy

Accessing our physical materials

Providing access to Special Collections and University Archives materials is vital to our mission.

  • For preservation purposes, all materials must be viewed in the reading room. Materials do not circulate.
  • The use of some materials may be restricted by statute, the office of origin, or by the donor. The researcher must assume full responsibility for fulfilling the terms connected with any restricted material. We reserve the right to restrict the use of unprocessed materials, materials of exceptional value, or fragile materials. Whenever possible, facsimiles of materials restricted due to exceptional value or fragility will be available for use by researchers.
  • For all bound volumes, foam book supports and book weights will be provided. Never put pressure on the spines of books.
  • Off-site storage. Materials stored offsite can take up to seven business days to retrieve. Please email to request material and schedule your visit.

The reading room is under video surveillance.


  • Ready reference collections that do not require an Aeon request, including The Bomb yearbook, course catalogs, and school directories. 
  • One public computer is available to assist with finding materials.
  • One computer is available for accessing digital materials restricted to reading room access only.
  • One overhead scanner is available to use free of charge. Digital copies may be saved to a USB drive or sent as an email attachment for research purposes.

Get help

The reading room desk is staffed during open hours to help answer your questions and find the materials you need.

Filming and professional photography

Requests for filming and professional photography should be made to SCUA and approved by the Head of the department two weeks prior to your visit by contacting us. Special Collections and University Archives reserves the right to refuse permission to film or photograph its collections and in its space. If approved, requestors will need to fill out our Request to Publish form, review the department’s handling guidelines, and contact the Library's Communications team to ensure compliance with library-wide policies and procedures.